Knitting Group
Knitting and crocheting group: Anyone interested in facilitating or participating in a knitting group call Leseera at Mullumbmby Neighbourhood Center Office 02 6684 1286.
Eligibility: Open to all
Aim: Bringing people together through knitting and crocheting. Participants have the opportunity to learn a new skills. Seasoned ‘yarners’ can practice their craft or help others learn, while connecting and making new friends.
Description: You don’t have to be a nanna to knit! Extreme Yarn Works will encourage participants to think beyond the “bootie” & “teacosie” image of knitting with the use of rope, cord, twine, recycled tshirt strips………. Anything can be a yarn as long as it is flexible and long. The group will work on individual projects and have an opportunity for a group projects (yarn bombing etc.)