Womens Services Tuesday

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The Women’s Resource Service (WRS) supports women affected by family and domestic violence who live in the Byron Shire.

Who is eligible?
Women affected by family and domestic violence who live in the Byron Shire.
Time: Monday – Thursday 9am – 4pm
call 6684 4299 to make an appointment or for further information,
or email: womensservice@mdnc.org.au

WRS aims to empower and assist women toward safety, self-sufficiency and wellbeing in the community by providing:

Information and support
Assessment of situation including risks and needs
Safety planning and referral to services to improve safety
Case-management and Case-coordination of multiple services
Counselling to support recovery
Support groups focused on education and recovery from trauma
Community education
WRS is a program funded through Family and Community Services (FACS) in the Integrated Domestic and Family Violence Services Program (ID&FVSP).
It also steers the local DV Committee – Byron Shire Integrated Domestic Violence Committee – which has members from NSW Police, Community Corrections, NSW Health, Drug and Alcohol services, family support services, Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service (WDVCAS). The committee is a multi-agency response which aims to improve outcomes for those affected by domestic violence through increased and more proactive services to victims and children, intentional and co-ordinated criminal justice responses and integrated service systems, and through taking preventative action by way of community education.
The committee produces resources like “Charmed and Dangerous – a woman’s guide to reclaiming a healthy relationship” which are available through the WRS for FREE or through donation.

Cost: Free

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